Tuesday, April 14, 2009

90 days

Its called the 90 day trial. It was originally designed in 2006 in an attempt to save my relationship with nickjack at the time.

Since the 90 day trial is supposed to be a test of mental strength, disciple and self reflection it should go without saying that I failed the test horribly. No where near the energy and strength I am at now, the trial ended with us actually not talking for about four months. Ah good times those were. The result was a classic homecoming trip and some more bs that is still [classified] until about 2011.

However, the 90 day trial, in my humble opinion remains one hella of a litmus test. I have had a couple of friends use it and it revealed to them truths about themselves, it revealed to them if their relationship could be saved or scrapped. It works. I need to market this.

So what exactly is the 90 trial? Simply it requires no contact for 90 days under.any.circumstance short of death. It means no blogging snarky posts designed to prove a point or plead a case. Think Malcolm X's suspension, without the resulting expulsion, beef and murder. Well it can develop into that if one isn't careful. I was warned if I broke her heart her cousins would fuck me up.

*Nods in disagreement* No, snarky mofo reading this, your incorrect. I'm not going to do the 90 day trial in terms of her. I am going to walk away from the net for a while starting Monday. That is why on some days you've gotten two or three blogs, because once I start that's it.

The goals: to finally get my inn...energy up to, get into grad school, prep my suns for life in Chicago public schools, clear my head a little more...this last run tired me out and

my status


I do believe on can be so connected to this matrix that it becomes reality and it begins to have a "role" and "rank" in a person's life. I want to get back to a level where facebook is the after thought, actually dialing the phone is a reality. I want to push myself to stop writing these gems for free and actually write a book. I need to unplug from this bitch.

But honestly, I'm all of this blogging I've done has spent me emotionally. While it prevented me from sliding into a depression, it has drained me mentally. I just need to take some time off from the net and continue to smell the coffee and roses.

Over the next few days I'm going to set some stuff I wrote to post up until Monday. While I may respond to a comment or two after Monday I'm going on vacation. I need to refill my emotional cup so I can write again.

So enjoy the last few, that's it for a while.

Until lata blogspot

Straight, No Chaser

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